The Programmer's Guide to DB2

The Programmer's Guide to DB2

by Paul H. Byall

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Applications oriented, it instructs programmers in the fundamentals of programming for a DB2 database and then proceeds to cover more advanced topics as the reader progresses. Working from a unique perspective, it enables programmers to acquire practical experience as they go through the chapters. Intended as a stand-alone text, includes examples and exercises

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Applications oriented, it instructs programmers in the fundamentals of programming for a DB2 database and then proceeds to cover more advanced topics as the reader progresses. Working from a unique perspective, it enables programmers to acquire practical experience as they go through the chapters. Intended as a stand-alone text, includes examples and exercises based on the IBM sample tables provided with the DB2 software. Chapters discuss how to construct SQL statements and how to embed them in a host language to access DB2 data, and provide background data to give programmers a general understanding of the structure of a DB2 database and the environment in which it functions. Also explores advanced topics such as access path selection, the SQL EXPLAIN statement, and dynamic SQL.

Product Details

Publication date:
[wiley Professional Computing]
Product dimensions:
1.38(w) x 2.17(h) x (d)

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