The Rational Guide To: SQL Server Reporting Services

The Rational Guide To: SQL Server Reporting Services

by Anthony T. Mann

This book takes a rational, no-nonsense approach to learning the basics of SQL Server Reporting Services, which is available for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and later. In only 160 pages, you'll quickly learn the basics of creating, managing, deploying, and using Microsoft's new innovative reporting platform. The Rational Guide To: SQL Server Reporting ServicesSee more details below


This book takes a rational, no-nonsense approach to learning the basics of SQL Server Reporting Services, which is available for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and later. In only 160 pages, you'll quickly learn the basics of creating, managing, deploying, and using Microsoft's new innovative reporting platform. The Rational Guide To: SQL Server Reporting Services discusses specific concepts and then shows you how to accomplish each task step-by-step. This book comes with free applications and source code to manage images in your databases, view SQL Server Reporting Services log files, and begin programming with the SQL Server Reporting Services Web Service interface. Technical accuracy is assured by Jason Carlson, Product Unit Manager, SQL Server Reporting Services, Microsoft Corporation.

Product Details

Mann Publishing Group
Publication date:
Rational Guides
Product dimensions:
5.38(w) x 9.44(h) x 0.26(d)

What People are saying about this

Brian Welcker
A great resource for getting up to speed with SQL Server Reporting Services.
Group Program Manager, SQL Server Reporting Services, Microsoft Corporation

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