The SAP R/3 System: An Introduction to ERP and Business Software Technology / Edition 2

The SAP R/3 System: An Introduction to ERP and Business Software Technology / Edition 2

by Rudiger Buck-Emden, Dr Rudiger Buck-Emden

The SAP R/3 System: An Introduction to ERP and Business Software Technology by R,diger Buck-Emden

SAP's R/3 System sets the standard for the development of modern enterprise requirements applications n a multilingual, multinational client/server technology that meets all business requirements for scalability, portability, openness and high

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The SAP R/3 System: An Introduction to ERP and Business Software Technology by R,diger Buck-Emden

SAP's R/3 System sets the standard for the development of modern enterprise requirements applications n a multilingual, multinational client/server technology that meets all business requirements for scalability, portability, openness and high performance. This book provides essential background reading for anyone considering implementing any ERP package, and particularly the SAP R/3 System.

The SAP R/3 System: An introduction to ERP technology describes the basic features of client/server computing and the technical structure of ERP systems, and then goes on to introduce the technical architecture of the R/3 system, application development with ABAP/4, R/3 business applications and implementation of an R/3 system within a business.

This new edition of the best-selling introduction to the R/3 system has been comprehensively updated to reflect the changes and advances introduced with v4 of the system, and includes new coverage in areas such as Internet capability, SAP's Business Framework, Object Technology and R/3, and implementation and customization of an R/3 system.

  • Complete introduction to SAP R/3 technology
  • Comprehensively updated to cover SAP R/3 v4
  • Based on wide experience from real R/3 implementations

New to this edition:
NEW chapter on SAP Business Framework
NEW chapter on Object Technology and SAP R/3
NEW chapter on Business Processes on the Internet
NEW chapter on R/3 Implementation and customization

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Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
Sap Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
6.94(w) x 9.57(h) x 0.78(d)

Table of Contents

Ch. 1Changes in Business Data Processing1
Ch. 2Client/Server Computing9
Ch. 3The Importance of Standards15
Ch. 4Technical Foundations for Business Application Systems17
Ch. 5What is the R/3 System?81
Ch. 6The Technical Architecture of the R/3 System86
Ch. 7Object-oriented Application Development with the ABAP Workbench132
Ch. 8Business Framework183
Ch. 9R/3 Business Processes over the Internet203
Ch. 10Workflow, Documents and Communication213
Ch. 11An Overview of the Business Applications of the R/3 System230
Ch. 12Process-oriented Implementation of the R/3 System in a Company244

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