The Secured Enterprise: Protecting Your Information Assets

The Secured Enterprise: Protecting Your Information Assets

by Paul E. Proctor, Christina Byrnes, F. Christian Byrnes

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Securing your key digital and information assets in an age of insecurity.

Securing enterprise data, applications, and intellectual property has become THE criticalissue for business decision-makers in this era of hackers and potential cyberterrorism. Butuntil now, most books on information security have been written for programmers andnetworking professionals,

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Securing your key digital and information assets in an age of insecurity.

Securing enterprise data, applications, and intellectual property has become THE criticalissue for business decision-makers in this era of hackers and potential cyberterrorism. Butuntil now, most books on information security have been written for programmers andnetworking professionals, not business people. The Secured Enterprise: Protecting YourInformation Assets fills the gap, delivering a non-technical, business-focused briefing onevery key aspect of information security: frompeople to process to technology.

  • A guide to today's security threats—including cyberterrorism
  • How to establish effective, realistic security policies
  • The tools for defending your information assets
  • Effective mechanisms for identification, authentication, and access control
  • What firewalls can—and cannot—do
  • Vulnerability scanners, virus detectors, and intrusion detection systems
  • Virtual private networks: leveraging the cost savings without exposing your data to risk
  • Securing B2B and B2C e-commerce
  • How to evaluate third-party security products and services
  • New security options for wireless applications
Security has gotten more complex with time, and it has become more difficult to distill it. After readingthis book you will understand security better and be more prepared to apply it in your enterprise.

—Jeff Moss,
Founder, DEF CON President,
Black Hat, Inc.

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Editorial Reviews

Securing enterprise data is a critical issue for business decision makers. This book explains the issues for business people in a nontechnical style. It introduces technologies for addressing security threats, explains protection methods used in the business environment, and examines implementation methods and choices for different sizes of businesses. It also discusses related legal issues and company politics. Icons identify key points, more technical material, and examples. Proctor is president of an information security firm. Byrnes wrote a previous book on security in enterprise computing. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
Essential Guide Series
Product dimensions:
6.97(w) x 9.26(h) x 0.91(d)

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