The SQL Server 7.0 Handbook: A Guide to Microsoft Database Computing

The SQL Server 7.0 Handbook: A Guide to Microsoft Database Computing

by Ken England, Nigel Stanley

Let the experts help you work smarter with the new SQL Server.

The SQL Server 7.0 Handbook concisely and authoritatively explains how to design, implement, administer, and tune Microsoft's powerful new database management system for Windows NT. Readers will learn all major SQL Server 7.0 capabilities, especially its new scalability, decision support, performance,

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Let the experts help you work smarter with the new SQL Server.

The SQL Server 7.0 Handbook concisely and authoritatively explains how to design, implement, administer, and tune Microsoft's powerful new database management system for Windows NT. Readers will learn all major SQL Server 7.0 capabilities, especially its new scalability, decision support, performance, and replication features. The authors, recognized SQL Server authorities, including a former SQL Server product manager, explain how to use the database with other critical Microsoft data management technologies and products, including Microsoft Transaction Server and Active Data Objects (ADO).

No other book will enable database administrators, designers, programmers, and IT managers to master SQL Server 7.0 more thoroughly or quickly. Computer professionals studying for Microsoft Certified Professional (MCSE) qualifications will find this book essential reading.

Learn major new SQL Server 7.0 scalability and replication features
Optimize and secure SQL Server 7.0
Develop data warehouses with SQL Server 7.0 decision support capabilities and OLAP Services

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Editorial Reviews

An introduction to the capabilities offered by version 7 of the SQL server database management system for the Windows NT operating system. The authors also explain how to use the database with other Microsoft data management technologies and products, including transaction server and active data objects. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Elsevier Science
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.19(h) x 0.90(d)

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