The Visual FoxPro Report Writer: Pushing It to the Limit and Beyond

The Visual FoxPro Report Writer: Pushing It to the Limit and Beyond

by Cathy Pountney

Reports are key to a successful software application. It doesn't matter how efficiently the users enter data, how much information the system can store, or how many complicated calculations the system can process if there's no way to see the final outcome. In this reference, software developers are shown how to use every nook and cranny of report writers. Included are… See more details below


Reports are key to a successful software application. It doesn't matter how efficiently the users enter data, how much information the system can store, or how many complicated calculations the system can process if there's no way to see the final outcome. In this reference, software developers are shown how to use every nook and cranny of report writers. Included are fundamentals of using the VFP Report Writer correctly such as starting the report wizard, invoking the report designer, and report bands. Advanced tips are provided as well, including nesting data groups and creating variables and calculations.

Product Details

Hentzenwerke Publishing
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.10(h) x 0.66(d)

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