The Visual Organization: Data Visualization, Big Data, and the Quest for Better Decisions

The Visual Organization: Data Visualization, Big Data, and the Quest for Better Decisions

by Phil Simon

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Data Visualization, Big Data, and the Quest for Better Decisions

Thoreau once said, "It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see."

In today's business world, it's not exactly easy to see what's going on. Most people are overwhelmed by data.

Amidst all of the hype and confusion surrounding Big Data, a new

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Data Visualization, Big Data, and the Quest for Better Decisions

Thoreau once said, "It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see."

In today's business world, it's not exactly easy to see what's going on. Most people are overwhelmed by data.

Amidst all of the hype and confusion surrounding Big Data, a new type of enterprise is emerging: The Visual Organization. An increasing number of organizations have realized that today's volume, variety, and velocity of data require new applications. More than technology, though, they have adopted a different mind-set—one based upon data discovery and exploration, not conventional enterprise "reporting." These companies understand that interactive heat maps and tree maps lend themselves to data discovery more than Microsoft Excel, static graphs, pie charts, and dashboards.

For example, most people have heard of Netflix. Still, relatively few realize that behind the scenes, Netflix does some remarkable things to make the magic happen. Netflix uses fascinating dataviz tools to discover trends, diagnose technical issues, and unearth extraordinarily valuable insights about its customers.

Employees at Autodesk use a remarkable and interactive tool that visualizes current and historical employee movement. From this, they can identify potential management issues and see what a corporate reorg really looks like.

And then there's eBay. Powerful data-discovery tools allow the company's employees to effectively "see" what would look a brick-and-mortar store.

It's time to get visual.

The Visual Organization is the sixth book by award-winning author, keynote speaker, and recognized technology expert Phil Simon. Simon demonstrates how a new breed of progressive enterprises has turned traditional data visualization on its head In their place, they are embracing new, interactive, and more robust tools. And these tools help separate the signals from the noise that is Big Data. As a result, they are asking better questions and making better business decisions.

Rife with real-world examples and practical advice, The Visual Organization is a full-color tour de force. Simon deftly explains how organizations can do more than just survive the data deluge; they can thrive in it. It is required reading for executives, professionals, and students interested in unleashing the power of data.

Start to see your business differently.

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Product Details

Publication date:
Wiley and SAS Business Series
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Product dimensions:
7.30(w) x 10.00(h) x 0.70(d)

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