TOAD Handbook / Edition 1

TOAD Handbook / Edition 1

by Bert Scalzo, Dan Hotka

TOAD Handbook is a guide for developing Oracle applications and administering Oracle databases with TOAD. Starting with installation and configuration, the book covers the TOAD SQL editors in depth, including dozens of helpful, undocumented features. Later chapters discuss reporting and exporting data and using several add-on tools designed to enhance TOAD

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TOAD Handbook is a guide for developing Oracle applications and administering Oracle databases with TOAD. Starting with installation and configuration, the book covers the TOAD SQL editors in depth, including dozens of helpful, undocumented features. Later chapters discuss reporting and exporting data and using several add-on tools designed to enhance TOAD development. Along the way, the authors provide critical insights into the workings of TOAD and how developers can use it to make the most of their applications. Includes a foreword by Jim McDaniel, the inventor of TOAD.

Product Details

Publication date:
Developer's Library Series
Edition description:
First Edition
Sales rank:
Product dimensions:
6.89(w) x 9.12(h) x 0.61(d)

Table of Contents

1. Setting Up TOAD for Successful Use.

Meeting TOAD's Database Connectivity Needs. Understanding TOAD's Oracle-Based Security. Creating the All-Important TOAD Schema. Activating TOAD's “Read-Only” Mode. Using TOAD's New Advanced Security. Enabling TOAD's PL/SQL Profiler Support. Saving and Restoring All Your TOAD Settings. Summary.

2. Using TOAD's Schema Browser.

Making Schema Browser Your Startup Screen. Choosing Among Schema Browser Display Styles. Enabling or Disabling Schema Browser Tabs. Configuring Schema Browser Tabs. Filtering Schema Browser Schemas. Filtering Schema Browser Objects. Filtering and Sorting Schema Browser Data. Using Favorites as a Custom Schema Browser. Setting Some Advanced Schema Browser Options. Summary.

3. TOAD SQL Editor.

Overview. Predefined Shortcuts. User-Defined Shortcuts. Using Variables. Table and Column Name Select Lists. Using Aliases and Autoreplacement Substitutions. SQL Templates. Code Completion Templates. Executing SQL Statements. Executing SQL Scripts. Editing Result-Set Data. Saving Result-Set Data. Printing Result-Set Data. Examining Explain Plans. Examining Basic Performance Info. Using Auto Trace. SQL*Plus Compatibility. Scripts That Write Scripts. Summary.

4. TOAD Procedure Editor.

Overview. Predefined Shortcuts. User-Defined Shortcuts. Using Variables. Table and Column Name Select Lists. Using Aliases and Auto Replacement Substitutions. SQL Templates. PL/SQL Object Templates. Creating a New PL/SQL Object. Using the PL/SQL Navigator. Compiling PL/SQL Code. Executing PL/SQL Code. Saving PL/SQL Code to Files. Formatting PL/SQL Code. Using DBMS_OUTPUT. Debugging Setup, Requirements, and Parameters. Basic Debugging PL/SQL Code. Debugging Breakpoint Options. Advanced Debugging PL/SQL Code. Profiling PL/SQL Code. Setting Up Source Control. Using Source Control. Summary.

5. Using TOAD for Routine DBA Tasks.

Checking Status of All Your Instances. Checking an Instance's Alert Log File. Examining Tablespace Usage and Projections. Checking Tablespaces for Free Space Deficits. Reviewing Schema Object Extent Allocations. Checking the Level of Tablespace Fragmentation. Checking the Overall Health of a Database. Monitoring SQL Currently in the Shared Pool. Determining Resource-Intensive Sessions. Monitoring and Killing User Sessions. Creating, Altering, and Managing Database Objects. Scheduling DBA Tasks by Using UNIX Job Scheduler. Summary.

6. Using TOAD for Non-Routine DBA Tasks.

Creating a New Database. Starting and Stopping Databases. Examining Oracle and NLS Parameters. Estimating Table and Index Sizes. Analyzing Tables and Indexes. Rebuilding a Table. Rebuilding Multiple Indexes. Repairing Tables with Chained Rows. Pinning PL/SQL Code in the SGA. Generating Schema Scripts. Comparing Schema Differences. Monitoring a Database Instance. Examining Server Statistics. Examining Control Files. Managing Redo Log Files. Examining Redo Log File Switches. Mining Redo Log Files. Monitoring a UNIX Server. Tuning the UNIX Kernel. Tuning the Windows Registry. Summary.

7. Generating Database Reports via TOAD.

Running Standard Database Reports. Creating HTML Schema Doc Generator Reports. Running DBA Scripts to Create Reports. Summary.

8. Exporting Table Data.

Overview. Formatting Data for Reporting/Non-Oracle Data Loads. Formatting Data as INSERT Statements. Formatting Multiple Table Data as INSERT Statements. Using the Export Utility Wizard. Summary.

9. Using Other Powerful TOAD Tools.

Browsing Master-Detail Data. Modeling Complex SQL Visually. Generating Entity Relationship Diagrams. Registering External Programs. Comparing Files for Differences. Using FTP and Network Utilities. Editing Oracle TNS Name Files. Tracing Execution Using TKPROF. Subsetting Production Data. Managing SQL Scripts Made Easy. Summary.

10. Knowing the TOAD World and Its Add-ons.

Knowing the World According to TOAD. Using Formatter Plus for PL/SQL. Using the Knowledge Xpert Products. Using SQLab Xpert Tuning. Using Benchmark Factory. Using QDesigner. Summary.


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