Tru64 UNIX-Oracle9i Cluster Quick Reference

Tru64 UNIX-Oracle9i Cluster Quick Reference

5.0 1
by Tim Donar

This quick reference provides step-by-step instructions on setting up Oracle9i RAC to run on a Tru64 UNIX cluster. Configuration information is included from start to finish. Command summary guides are built in to each chapter for quick information retrieval. Examples and step-by- step instructions assist in the complete installation of a Tru64 UNIX 5.1A and

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This quick reference provides step-by-step instructions on setting up Oracle9i RAC to run on a Tru64 UNIX cluster. Configuration information is included from start to finish. Command summary guides are built in to each chapter for quick information retrieval. Examples and step-by- step instructions assist in the complete installation of a Tru64 UNIX 5.1A and Oracle9i. Designed as an introduction to Tru64 UNIX and Oracl e9i RAC, Tru64 UNIX-Oracle9i Cluster Quick Reference will give interme diate and advanced administrators an invaluable resource for quickly l ocating vital information.

Editorial Reviews

Brad Nichols
Remarkable in its soup to nuts coverage of all aspects of putting together a Tru64 UNIX-Oracle9i cluster. Information is covered in a succinct easy to reference manner.
Technical Consultant, Compaq Tru64

Product Details

Elsevier Science & Technology Books
Publication date:
HP Technologies
Product dimensions:
7.04(w) x 9.21(h) x 0.66(d)

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