Uncertainty Management in Information Systems: From Needs to Solutions / Edition 1

Uncertainty Management in Information Systems: From Needs to Solutions / Edition 1

by Amihai Motro

As the subtitle, From Needs to Solutions, indicates, this book presents viewpoints of information systems experts on the needs that challenge the uncertainty capabilities of present information systems, and it provides a forum to researchers in uncertainty modeling to describe models and systems that can address these needs. Hence, this book is not a collection of… See more details below


As the subtitle, From Needs to Solutions, indicates, this book presents viewpoints of information systems experts on the needs that challenge the uncertainty capabilities of present information systems, and it provides a forum to researchers in uncertainty modeling to describe models and systems that can address these needs. Hence, this book is not a collection of research papers, in which researchers describe their latest research projects; such collections, as excellent as they may be, do not necessarily cover an area methodically, and individual papers are often inaccessible to nonexperts. Rather, we began by outlining the structure of a book that will cover the entire spectrum of uncertainty modeling in information systems, and then requested leading experts to write authoritative tutorials and surveys that would fit the outline.

Product Details

Springer US
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Product dimensions:
9.21(w) x 6.14(h) x 1.06(d)

Table of Contents

2Sources of Uncertainty, Imprecision, and Inconsistency in Information Systems9
3Imperfect Information in Relational Databases35
4Uncertainty in Intelligent Databases89
5Uncertain, Incomplete, and Inconsistent Data in Scientific and Statistical Databases127
6Knowledge Discovery and Acquisition from Imperfect Information155
7Uncertainty in Information Retrieval Systems189
8Imperfect Information: Imprecision and Uncertainty225
9Probabilistic and Bayesian Representations of Uncertainty in Information Systems: A Pragmatic Introduction255
10An Introduction to the Fuzzy Set and Possibility Theory-Based Treatment of Flexible Queries and Uncertain or Imprecise Databases285
11Logical Handling of Inconsistent and Default Information325
12The Transferable Belief Model for Belief Representation343
13Approximate Reasoning Systems: Handling Uncertainty and Imprecision in Information Systems369
14On the Classification of Uncertainty Techniques in Relation to the Application Needs397
15A Bibliography on Uncertainty Management in Information Systems413

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