Understanding Big Data Scalability: Big Data Scalability Series, Part I

Understanding Big Data Scalability: Big Data Scalability Series, Part I

by Cory Isaacson

Get Started Scaling Your Database Infrastructure for High-Volume Big Data Applications 

“Understanding Big Data Scalability presents the fundamentals of scaling databases from a single node to large clusters. It provides a practical explanation of what ‘Big Data’ systems are, and fundamental issues to consider

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Get Started Scaling Your Database Infrastructure for High-Volume Big Data Applications 

“Understanding Big Data Scalability presents the fundamentals of scaling databases from a single node to large clusters. It provides a practical explanation of what ‘Big Data’ systems are, and fundamental issues to consider when optimizing for performance and scalability. Cory draws on many years of experience to explain issues involved in working with data sets that can no longer be handled with single, monolithic relational databases.... His approach is particularly relevant now that relational data models are making a comeback via SQL interfaces to popular NoSQL databases and Hadoop distributions.... This book should be especially useful to database practitioners new to scaling databases beyond traditional single node deployments.”

—Brian O’Krafka, software architect 

Understanding Big Data Scalability presents a solid foundation for scaling Big Data infrastructure and helps you address each crucial factor associated with optimizing performance in scalable and dynamic Big Data clusters.


Database expert Cory Isaacson offers practical, actionable insights for every technical professional who must scale a database tier for high-volume applications. Focusing on today’s most common Big Data applications, he introduces proven ways to manage unprecedented data growth from widely diverse sources and to deliver real-time processing at levels that were inconceivable until recently.


Isaacson explains why databases slow down, reviews each major technique for scaling database applications, and identifies the key rules of database scalability that every architect should follow.


You’ll find insights and techniques proven with all types of database engines and environments, including SQL, NoSQL, and Hadoop. Two start-to-finish case studies walk you through planning and implementation, offering specific lessons for formulating your own scalability strategy. Coverage includes 

  • Understanding the true causes of database performance degradation in today’s Big Data environments
  • Scaling smoothly to petabyte-class databases and beyond
  • Defining database clusters for maximum scalability and performance
  • Integrating NoSQL or columnar databases that aren’t “drop-in” replacements for RDBMSes
  • Scaling application components: solutions and options for each tier
  • Recognizing when to scale your data tier—a decision with enormous consequences for your application environment
  • Why data relationships may be even more important in non-relational databases
  • Why virtually every database scalability implementation still relies on sharding, and how to choose the best approach
  • How to set clear objectives for architecting high-performance Big Data implementations 

The Big Data Scalability Series is a comprehensive, four-part series, containing information on many facets of database performance and scalability. Understanding Big Data Scalability is the first book in the series.


Learn more and join the conversation about Big Data scalability at bigdatascalability.com.


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Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
Big Data Scalability
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Barnes & Noble
File size:
2 MB

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