Understanding dBASE® 5 for Windows: Volume 2

Understanding dBASE® 5 for Windows: Volume 2

by Alan Simpson

"Understanding dBASE5 for Windows" is a good tutor for anyone interested in the new Windows version.

From this systematic and comprehensive book, you can learn the basics and features of dBASE as well as the advanced techniques that will make you an expert.

The book presents the basic concepts of using a database, and instructs you to build sophisticated

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"Understanding dBASE5 for Windows" is a good tutor for anyone interested in the new Windows version.

From this systematic and comprehensive book, you can learn the basics and features of dBASE as well as the advanced techniques that will make you an expert.

The book presents the basic concepts of using a database, and instructs you to build sophisticated database systems step by step. It is full of valuable tips, tricks and timesaving techniques.

Product Details

iUniverse, Incorporated
Publication date:
Understanding dBASE 5 Series
Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 1.04(d)

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