Understanding Relational Databases: With Examples in SQL-92

Understanding Relational Databases: With Examples in SQL-92

by Fabian Pascal

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Examines the fundamentals of relational concepts and then demonstrates the applications of these concepts. Provides numerous practical examples using Structured Query Language (SQL), the popular database language for the PC. Users learn how to evaluate, design and implement relational databases and applications by examining relational concepts, their structural,

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Examines the fundamentals of relational concepts and then demonstrates the applications of these concepts. Provides numerous practical examples using Structured Query Language (SQL), the popular database language for the PC. Users learn how to evaluate, design and implement relational databases and applications by examining relational concepts, their structural, integrity and manipulation features as well as types of tables and relational fidelity. By studying SQL basics, evaluation and misconceptions, users learn how SQL succeeds—and fails—as a realization of the relational model. Other topics include client/server issues, distributed databases and the emergence of object-oriented database management systems.

Product Details

Publication date:
Wiley Professional Computing Series
Product dimensions:
7.52(w) x 9.23(h) x 0.71(d)

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