Universal Meta Data Models

Universal Meta Data Models

by David Marco, Michael Jennings

Create world-class MME solutions using this set of ready-made meta data models

Your company’s prosperity depends on how well you gather, retain, and disseminate knowledge. By implementing a Managed Meta Data Environment (MME), you can effectively manage your data and information technology applications in order to achieve a strategic advantage over the

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Create world-class MME solutions using this set of ready-made meta data models

Your company’s prosperity depends on how well you gather, retain, and disseminate knowledge. By implementing a Managed Meta Data Environment (MME), you can effectively manage your data and information technology applications in order to achieve a strategic advantage over the competition. As a follow-up to Building and Managing the Meta Data Repository (Wiley), this book provides you with the tools to implement a world-class MME and create a systematic enterprise solution for meta data management. The authors first present an overview of the architectural components of the MME and include case studies that demonstrate how corporations are taking advantage of MME solutions in the real world.

They then dive into the details of the models that compose the MME and their major areas of interaction.

You’ll find a complete set of meta data models that you can adapt to meet the needs of your company while saving countless hours of development time. Marco and Jennings offer an introduction to each model’s definition, guidance on implementation, an example of reports that can be generated, and much more. With all of this information, you’ll be able to model a meta data repository for:

  • Enterprise systems
  • XML, messaging, and business transactions
  • IT portfolio management
  • Business rules, business meta data, and data stewardship
  • Complete universal meta model

The CD-ROM contains the data models and meta data mart files described in the book as well as an evaluation version of AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler.

Visit the companion Web site at www.EWSolutions.com/book.asp

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Product dimensions:
7.44(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.05(d)

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