Using Excel and Access for Accounting (with Student Data CD-ROM) / Edition 2

Using Excel and Access for Accounting (with Student Data CD-ROM) / Edition 2

by Glenn Owen

USING EXCEL AND ACCESS FOR ACCOUNTING, 2nd Edition has a twofold approach: it teaches students how businesses use spreadsheets and databases in accounting, and serves as a primer explaining how to use these tools in solving real accounting problems. It is written in a step-by-step format, with plenty of screen shots making it easy to follow.See more details below


USING EXCEL AND ACCESS FOR ACCOUNTING, 2nd Edition has a twofold approach: it teaches students how businesses use spreadsheets and databases in accounting, and serves as a primer explaining how to use these tools in solving real accounting problems. It is written in a step-by-step format, with plenty of screen shots making it easy to follow.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
Edition description:
Older Edition
Product dimensions:
8.80(w) x 10.70(h) x 0.90(d)
Age Range:
3 Months

Table of Contents

Part 1: EXCEL. 1. Excel Tour 2. Excel Basics. 3. Financial Statement Analysis. 4. Depreciation. 5. Loan and Bond Amortization. 6. Budgets. Part 2: ACCESS. 1. Access Tour. 2. Access Basics. 3. Tables. 4. Queries. 5. Forms. 6. Reports.

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