Using FoxPro for Windows

Using FoxPro for Windows

by Bob Grommes

A comprehensive tutorial and lasting reference on FoxPro for Windows, this book combines step-by-step lessons with real-world power-user techniques. It covers every feature of FoxPro for Windows including RQBE, SQL, Rushmore, multi-user capabilities, and the program's many application development tools. CD contains more than 200 scripts to help the user get the most… See more details below


A comprehensive tutorial and lasting reference on FoxPro for Windows, this book combines step-by-step lessons with real-world power-user techniques. It covers every feature of FoxPro for Windows including RQBE, SQL, Rushmore, multi-user capabilities, and the program's many application development tools. CD contains more than 200 scripts to help the user get the most from FoxPro.

Product Details

Macmillan Computer Publishing
Publication date:
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Product dimensions:
7.35(w) x 9.10(h) x 2.33(d)

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