Using SQL for Windows & Centura: Techniques for Building Client Server Solutions

Using SQL for Windows & Centura: Techniques for Building Client Server Solutions

by Sanjiv Purba

A complete insider's guide to building more robust, fully integrated client/server applications using SQLWindows and Centura

If you develop large-scale client/server applications in a 16-bit or 32-bit environment, this is one book you won't want to be without. A complete, hands-on guide to programming with both SQLWindows and Centura, it is packed with rarely

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A complete insider's guide to building more robust, fully integrated client/server applications using SQLWindows and Centura

If you develop large-scale client/server applications in a 16-bit or 32-bit environment, this is one book you won't want to be without. A complete, hands-on guide to programming with both SQLWindows and Centura, it is packed with rarely documented practical information and advanced programming techniques that will enable you to provide your corporate clients with what they demand in the quickest, most cost-effective manner possible. From rapid prototyping techniques to QuickObjects and Classes, the author clearly and concisely shows you how to take utmost advantage of SQLWindows and Centura features. He tells you how to:
* Customize applications using both SQLWindows and Centura
* Master all SQLWindows and Centura object technology features
* Integrate applications across different platforms
* Connect and use Microsoft SQLServer
* Migrate from 16-bit SQLWindows to the Centura's 32-bit processing environment

On the CD-ROM you'll find: Source Programs

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7.48(w) x 9.17(h) x 1.10(d)

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