Using SYBASE System XI

Using SYBASE System XI

by Peter Hazlehurst, Peter Hazelhurst

As the client/server database market continues to grow and Sybase remains a market leader, there is strong need for a book on Sybase. This comprehensive reference provides a complete understanding of the Sybase database as well as full discussions of client/server application programming, Web publishing, and advanced server management and performance… See more details below


As the client/server database market continues to grow and Sybase remains a market leader, there is strong need for a book on Sybase. This comprehensive reference provides a complete understanding of the Sybase database as well as full discussions of client/server application programming, Web publishing, and advanced server management and performance tuning.

  • Discover System 11 enhancements such as scalability, load balancing, memory management, and Internet tools
  • Provides information on four key Sybase products: Sybase System 11, SQLMonitor, Enterprise Manager, and Secure Server
  • CD-ROM includes source code from the book, Sybase Libraries and Utilities, the complete electronic version of the book, plus the complete electronic versions in HTML format of Que s Special Edition Using PowerBuilder 5 and Special Edition Using Visual Basic 4

Product Details

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7.30(w) x 9.02(h) x 2.00(d)

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