Visual Basic 4.0 OLE, Databases, and Controls SuperBible

Visual Basic 4.0 OLE, Databases, and Controls SuperBible

by Bill Potter, John Murphy, David Jung, C. Woody Butler

A definitive encyclopedia of advanced Visual Basic methodology, detailing all the intricacies of programming with Visual Basic 4. This resource breaks down even the most complex VB4 concepts into succinct, easy-to-follow reference entries with real-life programming examples.

  • Features detailed coverage of data access and management, OLE and DDE, and VB's
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A definitive encyclopedia of advanced Visual Basic methodology, detailing all the intricacies of programming with Visual Basic 4. This resource breaks down even the most complex VB4 concepts into succinct, easy-to-follow reference entries with real-life programming examples.

  • Features detailed coverage of data access and management, OLE and DDE, and VB's professional programming techniques
  • Explains the version 4 enhancements: creating OLE Automation Serves, the jet database engine, data access objects, and the improved data control
  • Offers extensive coverage of the Professional Edition controls, including the 9 new Windows 95 controls, and thorough coverage of the Multimedia MCI control

Editorial Reviews

A book/CD-ROM encyclopedia of advanced Visual Basic methodology. Entries organized in sections on OLE and DDE, data access and management, professional programming, Professional Edition objects, and language include project overviews, source code, descriptions, and syntax examples for commands, projects, and controls. Includes task, function, and icon jump tables. The accompanying CD-ROM contains every sample program from the book, plus source code. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

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Product dimensions:
7.03(w) x 9.03(h) x 2.09(d)

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