Visual Basic 5 Database Developer's Guide

Visual Basic 5 Database Developer's Guide

by Mark Swank, Mark Spenik, Drew Kittel

Written by developers for developers, this advanced guide shows users how to design, develop, and deploy secure client/server databases on the Internet and Intranet Web sites using the latest version of Microsoft Visual Basic.

  • Includes real-world examples and applications throughout the book for users to implement on their sites
  • CD-ROM is loaded with
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Written by developers for developers, this advanced guide shows users how to design, develop, and deploy secure client/server databases on the Internet and Intranet Web sites using the latest version of Microsoft Visual Basic.

  • Includes real-world examples and applications throughout the book for users to implement on their sites
  • CD-ROM is loaded with author's source code and a collection of Web and database tools

Product Details

Publication date:
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Product dimensions:
7.34(w) x 9.09(h) x 1.99(d)

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