Visual Basic Developer's Guide to Ado (Developer's Handbook Series)

Visual Basic Developer's Guide to Ado (Developer's Handbook Series)

by Mike Gunderloy

Targeted at every professional Visual Basic developer, as well as intermediate VB programmers, this title covers one of the hottest Microsoft programming topics. ADO is a component of Microsoft's enterprise strategy and can be used to access data in all major databases, including SQL Server and Oracle. See more details below


Targeted at every professional Visual Basic developer, as well as intermediate VB programmers, this title covers one of the hottest Microsoft programming topics. ADO is a component of Microsoft's enterprise strategy and can be used to access data in all major databases, including SQL Server and Oracle.

Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
Developer's Handbook Series
Product dimensions:
7.63(w) x 8.97(h) x 1.27(d)

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