Visual Database Systems 3: Visual information management / Edition 1

Visual Database Systems 3: Visual information management / Edition 1

by Stefano Spaccapietra

Both the way we look at data, through a DBMS, and the nature of data we ask a DBMS to manage have drastically evolved over the last decade, moving from text to images (and to sound to a lesser extent). Visual representations are used extensively within new user interfaces. Powerful visual approaches are being experimented for data manipulation, including the… See more details below


Both the way we look at data, through a DBMS, and the nature of data we ask a DBMS to manage have drastically evolved over the last decade, moving from text to images (and to sound to a lesser extent). Visual representations are used extensively within new user interfaces. Powerful visual approaches are being experimented for data manipulation, including the investigation of three­ dimensional display techniques. Similarly, sophisticated data visualization techniques are dramatically improving the understanding of the information extracted from a database. On the other hand, more and more applications use images as basic data or to enhance the quality and richness of data manipulation services. Image management has opened a wide area of new research topics in image understanding and analysis. The IFIP 2.6 Working Group on Databases strongly believes that a significant mutual enrichment is possible by confronting ideas, concepts and techniques supporting the work of researcher and practitioners in the two areas of visual interfaces to DBMS and DBMS management of visual data. For this reason, IFIP 2.6 has launched a series of conferences on Visual Database Systems. The first one has been held in Tokyo, 1989. VDB-2 was held in Budapest, 1991. This conference is the third in the series. As the preceding editions, the conference addresses researchers and practitioners active or interested in user interfaces, human-computer communication, knowledge representation and management, image processing and understanding, multimedia database techniques and computer vision.

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Product Details

Springer US
Publication date:
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
6.30(w) x 9.06(h) x (d)

Table of Contents

Preface. The Working Group on databases of the International Federation for Information Processing. Conference organization. External referees. Introduction. Invited paper. Querying by context. Visual languages assessment. Video databases. Panel. Visualization. GIS. Visual programming. Text and hypermedia. Data models and data structures. Index of contributors. Keyword index.

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