Web Database Primer Plus

Web Database Primer Plus

by Piroz Mohseni

Web Database Primer Plus gives you step-by-step instructions; multi-database coverage; thorough Java connectivity coverage; detailed explanations of advanced techniques; real-life demos; CD-ROM with ready-to-use examples and code; and a handy quick reference section. See more details below


Web Database Primer Plus gives you step-by-step instructions; multi-database coverage; thorough Java connectivity coverage; detailed explanations of advanced techniques; real-life demos; CD-ROM with ready-to-use examples and code; and a handy quick reference section.

Editorial Reviews

Library Journal - Library Journal
Managers who oversee large amounts of information on web sites know that every time you create a single web page you are creating a future maintenance problem. Mohseni guides such readers through basic web decisions-use of a common gateway interface, server selection and setup, choice of language interface-when the end goal is to set up a web-based database. The nuances of design for popular packages such as ORALink, web.sql, JDBC, and others are discussed. This not a book for beginners, but is a good addition for larger web collections.

Product Details

Publication date:
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Product dimensions:
7.38(w) x 9.13(h) x 1.15(d)

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