Web Developer.com Guide to Search Engines

Web Developer.com Guide to Search Engines

by Wes Sonnenreich, Tim Macinta

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"This book is the most comprehensive review of search engines for intranet and Internet use that I am aware of . . . [it] is a superb guide to adding searchability to any site, large or small."--Steve Kirsch Chairman, Infoseek.

You need the Web Developer.com

Guide to Search Engines if:
* Your company network has grown too big for manual searches and you

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"This book is the most comprehensive review of search engines for intranet and Internet use that I am aware of . . . [it] is a superb guide to adding searchability to any site, large or small."--Steve Kirsch Chairman, Infoseek.

You need the Web Developer.com

Guide to Search Engines if:
* Your company network has grown too big for manual searches and you need to install a reliable, high-performance search engine ASAP
* You're a webmaster setting up a search engine, ensuring that only the information you choose will be indexed, while increasing your users' ability to find what they need
* You need to quickly zero in on specific types of information online, and you want to find the most efficient search strategy.

Web Developer.com Guide to Search Engines is a complete guide to choosing, obtaining, installing, configuring, supporting, and building the perfect search engine for your website, intranet, enterprise network, or Internet needs. Wes Sonnenreich and Tim Macinta, two former members of the MIT Media Lab, critically appraise the leading search engines, explaining who built them, how they work, and the relative advantages and disadvantages of each. Plus, they tell you everything you need to know in order to:
* Determine your ideal search parameters and create a profile of your site
* Match your site profile with the best engine for the job
* Obtain, install, configure, maintain, and get help for each engine
* Build your own custom search engine from scratch.

The companion website at www.wiley.com/compbooks/sonnenreich gives you:
* Tons of freeware and shareware
* A demo version of a commercial search engine
* Links to all of the engines covered in the book
* Updates about the current state of search engine systems
* Code for all the examples in the book.

Visit our website at www.wiley.com/compbooks/

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Product Details

Publication date:
Web Developer Series, #5
Product dimensions:
7.48(w) x 9.18(h) x 0.98(d)

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