Web-Enabled Systems Integration: Practice and Challenges

Web-Enabled Systems Integration: Practice and Challenges

by Dahanayake, Waltraud Gerhardt, Pramod Adhikari

Addresses the problems that arise when accessing data from different computer applications and explores the solutions to these problems offered by web technologies, particularly XML. The 15 contributions discuss meta-modeling architectures, an approach to web-based application integration using Java adapters and XML, the design of a web-geographical information system… See more details below


Addresses the problems that arise when accessing data from different computer applications and explores the solutions to these problems offered by web technologies, particularly XML. The 15 contributions discuss meta-modeling architectures, an approach to web-based application integration using Java adapters and XML, the design of a web-geographical information system, and a flexible digital library search. Other topics include models for cooperative activities over the web, entity identification of fuzzy multi-database systems with incompatible keys, and load balancing distributed file system servers. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

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7.08(w) x 10.26(h) x 0.97(d)

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