The Web Warrior Guide to Web Database Technologies / Edition 1

The Web Warrior Guide to Web Database Technologies / Edition 1

by Bob Leasure, James Leasure

Designed for a first course in database technologies, this book completes the trilogy for the Web Warrior Guide To books (the other two titles cover Web Design Technologies and Web Programming). Using the Java platform, students are taught how to create data-driven Web sites while implementing the latest technologies such as relational databases, MySQL, XML and JSP

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Designed for a first course in database technologies, this book completes the trilogy for the Web Warrior Guide To books (the other two titles cover Web Design Technologies and Web Programming). Using the Java platform, students are taught how to create data-driven Web sites while implementing the latest technologies such as relational databases, MySQL, XML and JSP. Theory is presented early on, but the emphasis in this book is placed on the detailed hands-on learning skills required to work with these technologies.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
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Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.60(d)

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Table of Contents

1. Design of Relational Databases 2. Creating a Database with Access 2003 3. Creating a Database with MySQL 4. Using SQL 5. Java Primer 6. Interfacing to Relational Databases with Java 7. XHTML Primer 8. XML Primer 9. Servlets 10. JavaServer Pages 11. Using SAX and XSLT 12. Web Services 13. Portals, Digital Dashboards, and Data Warehouses

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