WebSphere Business Integration Primer: Process Server, BPEL, SCA, and SOA / Edition 1
  • WebSphere Business Integration Primer: Process Server, BPEL, SCA, and SOA / Edition 1
  • WebSphere Business Integration Primer: Process Server, BPEL, SCA, and SOA / Edition 1

WebSphere Business Integration Primer: Process Server, BPEL, SCA, and SOA / Edition 1

4.0 2
by Ashok Iyengar, Vinod Jessani, Michele Chilanti

Introductory Guide to WebSphere Business Integration from IBM

Using WebSphere Business Integration (WBI) technology, you can build an enterprise-wide Business Integration (BI) infrastructure that makes it easier to connect any business resources and functions, so you can adapt more quickly to the demands of customers and partners. Now there’s an

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Introductory Guide to WebSphere Business Integration from IBM

Using WebSphere Business Integration (WBI) technology, you can build an enterprise-wide Business Integration (BI) infrastructure that makes it easier to connect any business resources and functions, so you can adapt more quickly to the demands of customers and partners. Now there’s an introductory guide to creating standards-based process and data integration solutions with WBI.

WebSphere Business Integration Primer thoroughly explains Service Component Architecture (SCA), basic business processes, and complex long-running business flows, and guides you to choose the right process integration architecture for your requirements. Next, it introduces the key components of a WBI solution and shows how to make them work together rapidly and efficiently. This book will help developers, technical professionals, or managers understand today’s key BI issues and technologies, and streamline business processes by combining BI with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).

Coverage includes

  • Linking BI, business process management (BPM), and SOA
  • BI scenarios, architecture, patterns, and the IBM Business Object Framework
  • Business orchestration utilizing WS-BPEL and other industry standards
  • BI development with WebSphere Integration Developer (WID) and the SCA programming model
  • WebSphere Process Server (WPS): a runtime for service-oriented applications
  • Defining business maps, rules, business state machines, and human tasks
  • Managing BI services: security, auditing, and more
  • Integrating third-party and legacy systems with WebSphere adapters
  • Utilizing WebSphere Business Modeler and WebSphere Business Monitor
  • Using WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus (WESB) to integrate services

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Product Details

IBM Press
Publication date:
developerWorks Series
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.14(h) x 0.81(d)

Table of Contents

Foreword xxv

Acknowledgments xxix

About the Authors xxxi

Introduction xxxiii

Chapter 1 Business Integration 1

Business Integration Challenge 1

Service-Oriented Architecture 3

SOA Lifecycle 5

Business Integration Programming Model 7

BPEL (Now Called WS-BPEL) 8

Service Data Objects 8

Closing the Link 9

Links to developerWorks 9

Chapter 2 Business Integration Architecture and Patterns 11

Business Integration Scenarios 12

Business Integration: Roles, Products, and Technical Challenges 12

The Business Object Framework 14

Service Component Architecture 16

Business Integration Patterns 21

Business Processes 23

Qualifiers 23

Closing the Link 24

Links to developerWorks 25

Chapter 3 Business Orchestration 27

Business Processes 27


BPEL Extensions 35

Short-Running and Long-Running Processes 35

BPEL and SCA 38

Closing the Link 38

Links to developerWorks 39

Chapter 4 WebSphere Integration Developer 41

Installing WID 41

Working with WID 42

Business Integration Solution Building Blocks 43

Creating Projects and Other Artifacts 44

Process Editor 54

Assembly Editor 57

Visual Snippet Editor 61

Exporting Modules 64

Testing Modules and Components 67

Logging and Troubleshooting 71

Eclipse Shell Sharing 72

Closing the Link 72

Links to developerWorks 73

Chapter 5 WebSphere Process Server 75

WebSphere Process Server in a Nutshell 76

Terminology and Topology 82

Installing WPS 85

WPS Clustered Topologies 87

Topology Choices 92

Closing the Link 97

Links to developerWorks 98

Chapter 6 Business Processes 99

Sample Application 99

Working with a Short-Running Business Process 102

Working with a Long-Running Business Process 108

Advanced BPEL Features 113

Closing the Link 122

Links to developerWorks 123

Chapter 7 Business Maps and Business Rules 125

Supporting Services 125

Mapping 126

A Mapping Scenario 129

Implementing Maps 132

Relationships 138

A Relationship Scenario 138

Business Rules 142

A Decision Table Scenario 143

Selectors 152

Mediation 153

Closing the Link 154

Links to developerWorks 154

Chapter 8 Business State Machines, Human Tasks, and Web Services 155

Business State Machines 155

State Transition Diagram of the Order Process 156

Implementing the Order Business State Machine 158

Human Tasks 166

User Interface 168

Web Services 171

Working with Web Services in WID 172

Closing the Link 179

Links to developerWorks 179

Chapter 9 Business Integration Clients 181

Business Process Choreographer (BPC) 181

Business Process Choreographer Explorer 182

Working with the BPC Explorer 183

Observing Versus Monitoring 189

Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) 190

Business Process Choreographer Event Collector 193

Business Process Choreographer Observer (BPCO) 193

Working with the Observer 196

Closing the Link 197

Links to developerWorks 198

Chapter 10 Business Integration Services Management 199

Security 199

Logging and Tracing 210

Message Logger 213

Closing the Link 217

Links to developerWorks 217

Chapter 11 Business Integration Programming 219

SCA Programming Model 219

Event Sequencing in WPS 229

Business Graphs and Programmatic Manipulation of Business Objects 232

APIs or SPIs 237

Visual Programming 242

Closing the Link 249

Links to developerWorks 249

Chapter 12 WebSphere Adapters 251

Adapters 252

Adapter Architecture 254

Working with an Adapter 258

FTP, Flat File, and Email Adapters 266

SAP Adapter 266

Siebel Adapter 267

Custom Adapters 268

Closing the Link 271

Links to developerWorks 271

Chapter 13 Business Modeling 273

Installing WebSphere Business Modeler 274

Business Modeling Terms and Concepts 274

Working with WebSphere Business Modeler 276

Business Process Diagrams 280

Business Measures 281

Working with the Business Model 282

Closing the Link 293

Links to developerWorks 293

Chapter 14 Business Monitoring 295

Business Activity Monitoring 296

Installing WebSphere Business Monitor 298

Installing WebSphere Business Monitor Development Toolkit 298

Working with WebSphere Business Monitor 301

KPIs 302

Dashboards 302

Monitor Models 303

Working with MME 305

Closing the Link 318

Links to developerWorks 319

Chapter 15 Enterprise Service Bus and Service Registry 321

WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (WSRR) 322

Installing WSRR 324

Working with WSRR 326

WSRR and WID 332

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) 335

WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus 336

WESB Terminology 337

Installing WESB 342

Working with WESB 343

WESB and WID 344

Closing the Link 348

Links to developerWorks 348

Appendix A WebSphere Process Server Installation 349

Installing WebSphere Process Server 349

Creating a Profile 353

Installing WPS Silently 358

Creating Additional Profiles Silently 359

WPS Installation Folder 359

Uninstalling WPS 360

Appendix B WebSphere Integration Developer Installation 361

Installing WebSphere Integration Developer 361

WID Usage 364

Updating WID 366

Appendix C WebSphere Business Modeler Installation 367

Installing WebSphere Business Modeler 367

Appendix D WebSphere Business Monitor Installation 373

Installing WebSphere Business Monitor 373

Installing WebSphere Business Monitor Development Toolkit 380

Appendix E WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Installation 385

Installing WSRR 385

Installing the WSRR Eclipse Plug-in in WID 388

Appendix F WebSphere Adapter Toolkit Installation 393

Installing WebSphere Adapter Toolkit 393

Verifying the WAT Eclipse Plug-in in WID 395

Index 397

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