World Databases in Industry

World Databases in Industry

by Chris J. Armstrong

Editorial Reviews

A reference that provides detailed evaluative and comparative information on a wide range of electronic databases which are available worldwide in any language and any electronic form--CD-ROM, online, realtime, disk, and tape. The records provide information on both the database itself and the data providers, with all the details necessary to identify the data source that best matches the needs of information specialists, online searchers, and researchers working in the field. Each entry includes, where available: name(s) of databases, type of database, years of coverage, number of records, geographical coverage, languages, search software, search aids and manuals, full description, and detailed host or provider information. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Saur, K.G. Verlag Gmbh & Company
Publication date:
World Databases Ser.

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