World Wide Web Bible

World Wide Web Bible

by Bryan Pfaffenberger

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Learn how to connect to the World Wide Web and the best ways to navigate with graphical browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer with the World Wide Web Bible, 2nd Edition. Use multimedia helper programs to see graphics, watch videos, and hear the Web's sound effects. The CD-ROM will help you create your own home page using HTML 3See more details below


Learn how to connect to the World Wide Web and the best ways to navigate with graphical browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer with the World Wide Web Bible, 2nd Edition. Use multimedia helper programs to see graphics, watch videos, and hear the Web's sound effects. The CD-ROM will help you create your own home page using HTML 3 and set up a Web site.

Product Details

Holt, Henry & Company, Inc.
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.10(w) x 9.04(h) x 1.43(d)

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