World Wide Web Database Programming for Windows NT

World Wide Web Database Programming for Windows NT

by Brian Jepson

Program Web-site databases and connect your site to network databases

Want to bring full database capabilities to your company's Windows NT Web site? This powerful book/software package shows you how. Brian Jepson gives you all the knowledge, skills, and software tools you need to configure a new or existing Web site so that visitors can access databases at the site

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Program Web-site databases and connect your site to network databases

Want to bring full database capabilities to your company's Windows NT Web site? This powerful book/software package shows you how. Brian Jepson gives you all the knowledge, skills, and software tools you need to configure a new or existing Web site so that visitors can access databases at the site or at other locations on your company's network. The techniques you'll learn from this book will allow you to connect your Windows NT Web site to a wide range of databases, including those available for Windows NT, UNIX, and other database server platforms.

Following an in-depth review of Internet database fundamentals, including TCP/IP, Perl scripting, the ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) standard, and the Structured Query Language (SQL), Jepson cuts right to the chase with clear, step-by-step advice and guidance on how to:
* Configure a Windows NT Web server to support databases.
* Use the full range of Web database publishing techniques.
* Connect currently existing databases to a Web site.
* Support searches and queries in a Web database.
* Program a database to generate HTML pages in response to user inquiries.
* Design and develop an original database for the Web.

On the CD-ROM you'll find:
* A complete Windows NT Web server.
* Perl and CGI scripting and programming software.
* ODBC extension libraries and interfaces for Perl.
* Customizable Perl scripts and modules for Web database access.
* Templates and tools for automating Web database access.

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Product Details

Publication date:
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Product dimensions:
7.54(w) x 9.22(h) x 0.91(d)

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