CS132 Sec. 306 & 307, Spring 2000
Office hours
My office is CS 1308,
the phone number is 262-6602,
my office hours are Monday 11.00 - 12.00 AM and Wednesday 11.00 - 12.00
but you can always reach me via e-mail (manogari@cs.wisc.edu)
This may change so check this page often...
Please check this page and your grades
next week before the final. If you have any incomplete grade that you think
should be otherwise, please e-mail me. I will be going away on Tuesday
May 23rd, so by Monday the grades will be final.
I changed my office hour
If you're not registered for this class yet, you
need to do so before the quiz. If you're switching in/out of my section,
you need to let me know alse before the quiz.
If you have any disabilities with papers from the
McBurney Center, please contact me.
I can't do the Monday 11.00 - 12.00 AM hour on Feb
7, and move it to Wednesday 11.00 - 12.00 AM, Feb 9.
Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2000: Welcome to this page, please check often as I
will be putting announcements on this page
The final project is due on Friday, May 12th. You turn it in to your handin
directory (p:/course/cs132-fenchel/public/handin/secnum/your-login-name/).
Don't forget to include a list of your embellishment and a list of filenames
(of the files you have for your final project).
The next quiz is on Monday, May 1, 2000. It will cover HTML & Javascript
The quiz covers the assignments 6 & 7 (HTML & Javascript)
is open book,
will be done on the workstations,
a special handin directory will be created for each of you to safe your
the handin directory will be closed after the end of the lab so you need
to save your work in time.
Thursday, March 23. 2000
A Message from Bob Fenchel regarding the exam:
The midterm is scheduled during lecture on Thursday 3/23.
Please come prepared with the following: Student ID, Pencils/erasers,
your lab section number The exam will be True/False and Multiple Choice
and will use Scantron forms.
The exam will cover lecture and lab. The textbook is useful for explaining
some of the lecture material, but no questions will be asked on material
solely in the text book.
I recommend that you review the PowerPoint lecture notes on the class
web page or available at Bob's Copy Shop near Union South. Correlate
your own lecture notes with the PowerPoint notes. Discuss the material
with others in the class or email me with any questions about the material.
Lecture on Tuesday will be dedicated to questions and answers. You
should come prepared with questions that you would like answered.
I don't have any old exams nor is there any kind of review sheet available
(other than the lecture notes). There may be exams from other Professors
around, but I have not reviewed these and have no reason to believe that
they would be helpful to you. [Please come to lecture Tuesday prepared
with questions ... and Thursday prepared with answers!]
Bob Fenchel
Spring 2000 grades
Fall 99 grades