Michael's Photo Album

Welcome to my photo album! Below you will find links to all of the various pages containing different sets of pictures that I have taken over time. Be warned, these all just about all of the pictures that I have taken. Storage space is cheap, so while I only print the best pictures out, I do keep around all of what I've snapped!

I'm reorganizing the photo album so that the most recent collections are on top

Please note: All pictures (unless otherwise noted) are (c) Michael Wallick 2003 to present.  Copyright to use any picture on this page for non-commerical or research purposes is hearby granted, provided (1) proper attributation to the original source (i.e. Michael Wallick) is given and (2) the photograph does not contain any people (i.e. clearly visable faces).  Should you wish to use any pictures with faces, please contact me first.

NOTE: I have upgraded to a 4 Mega Pixel camera, that means that the pictures are way bigger than in the past. So I'm going to start posting smaller pictures. If you really like any of the pictures I have, send me an e-mail and I will mail you a full size copy. In the interest of saving space, I will eventually take all of the full-sized pictures off-line

Paris 2005 In March 2005, I took a trip to Paris, France (with a stopover in Amsterdam), so keep a look out for new pictures from there!

Andrew Wrestling Here are several pictures leading up to and including my little brother Andrew at the regional finals for wrestling. Although he didn't advance, we are still proud of him. I tried to pin him, and I did, once, but he was asleep at the time :-)

Disney Cruise 05 In Janurary 2005, Christine and I took another cruise on the Disney Magic. Lots of fun, and new pictures! (And we rebooked to go again in July of 2006 and may even book another one for December of 2005... so more to come)

My House Here are a few pictures of the house that I'm currently living in

Even More Cat Pictures Those crazy mathmakittens don't miss an opertunity to get photographed. Here we see them posing in boxes.

Madison Zoo In Sept. 2004, my friends (Mike Durso and Chris Martin) along with Christine's parents were stranded in Madison because of the hurricane that was going through FL at the time. Since we had nothing better to do, we went to the Madison Zoo. I figured anyone could take pictures of animals at a zoo, so I decided to take more "fun" pictures, enjoy...

Disney Cruise 03 In December 2003, Christine and I took a cruise on the Disney Magic. Lots of fun, here are the pictures.

Georg's Pictures A few pictures that Georg took.

Microsoft Ceder Court and some other pictures Here are some pictures that I took around the Microsoft Ceder Court Campus (where MSR is) and a few other random pictures.

Museum of Flight Rob, Georg (Rob's office mate) and I went out to see the Museum of Flight in Seattle.

Intern Cruise The Microsoft Research Intern Cruise around Lake Washington

Seattle Air & Sea Show This is when my roommate at Microsoft (Rob Klapper) and I biked 15 miles each way from downtown Bellevue to the Seattle and watched the airshow. It was quite a ride, but a great show!

Mt. Rainier The Microsoft Intern field trip was to Mt. Rainier and we climbed it. Didn't quite make it to the top, but we go pretty high!

Seattle Underground Tour Christine and I went to tour the Seattle Underground. A funny tour showing off the sewers of Seattle. Well, actually the city was originally at a lower level, go on the tour and you will understand.

Snoqualmie Falls Park My roommate Rob and I went to see Snoqualmie Falls, a waterfalls in the Seattle area.

Christine's Graduation A few pictures of when Christine graduated from UCF and our trip to Downtown Disney later that weekend.

Bellevue Botanical Gardens Christine (my girlfriend) and I went to the Bellevue Botanical Gardens and took a few pictures.

Pictures of my cats

More pictures of my cats