Rooms Project Glossary
User : A person that uses the rooms program. Either a visitor, acctuser,
or room czar.
Visitor : A user who cannot make/change reservations, but can view
Acctuser: A user with authority to make reservations and to edit
and cancel their own reservations.
Room Czar (Administrator): An Acctuser with authority to perform
any operation provided by the rooms program.
Reservation: A period of time associated with a room and a contact.
If a room has a reservation at a given time, there can be no other reservations
at that time.
Contact : For a given reservation, the user who created the reservation.
Room Attributes: Information associated with each room. This information
includes (at minimum): Room number, seating capacity, whether or not there
is a table, whether or not there is a projector, whether or not there is
a white board, whether or not there is a black board.