function returnValue = functionName ( parameterList ) % Comments describing what the function does, the % inputs to the function, and the return value. code that does the work of the function returnValue = some calculated value end
In inch2meter.m:
function meters = inch2meter( inches ) % Converts the given number of inches to meters meters = 0.0254 * inches;
In bmi.m:
function result = bmi( feet, inches, pounds ) % Determines the BMI for a person whose height is expressed as the % given feet and inches (e.g., 5 feet 7 inches) and weight is the % given number of pounds. Note: BMI = weight(kg) / height(m)^2 meters = inch2meter( feet*12 + inches ); kilos = 0.4536 * pounds; result = kilos ./ meters.^2;
function result = meter2feet_v1(meters) % Converts the given number of meters to feet & inches in = 39.3701 * meters; ft = floor(in/12); in = in - ft*12; result = [ft ; in];
function [ft, in] = meter2feet_v2(meters) % Converts the given number of meters to feet & inches in = 39.3701 * meters; ft = floor(in/12); in = in - ft*12;