Finding Roots
Problem statement
Find root of
clear % Define a function handle representing the function f = @(x)6 - 2*x.^2; % First plot the function xx = -3 : 0.01 : 3; yy = f(xx); ymin = -7; ymax = 7; xmin = -3; xmax = 3; plot(xx, yy, 'b', [0,0], [ymin, ymax], 'k', [xmin, xmax], [0, 0], 'k') grid on axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]) % Actual root: precision = 20; % the precision to use in num2str calls in this script disp(['sqrt(3) = ', num2str(sqrt(3), precision)])
sqrt(3) = 1.7320508075688772

Bisection method
x_L = 1; x_R = 2; if sign(f(x_L)) == sign(f(x_R)) error('guesses must bracket zero') end fprintf('iter %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n', 'x_left',... 'f(x_left)', 'x_right', 'f(x_right)', 'x_new', 'f(x_new)') epsilon = 1e-12; % threshold done = 0; iteration = 0; while ~done iteration = iteration+1; fprintf('%2d: %10.8f %10.8f %10.8f %10.8f', ... iteration, x_L, f(x_L),x_R, f(x_R)) x_new = (x_L + x_R)/2; if abs(f(x_new)) < epsilon done = 1; elseif sign(f(x_new)) == sign(f(x_L)) x_L = x_new; else x_R = x_new; end fprintf(' %10.8f %10.8f\n', x_new, f(x_new)) end disp(['root = ', num2str(x_new, precision)]) perc_error=abs(sqrt(3)-x_new)/sqrt(3)*100; disp(['% error = ' num2str(perc_error, precision) ' %'])
iter x_left f(x_left) x_right f(x_right) x_new f(x_new) 1: 1.00000000 4.00000000 2.00000000 -2.00000000 1.50000000 1.50000000 2: 1.50000000 1.50000000 2.00000000 -2.00000000 1.75000000 -0.12500000 3: 1.50000000 1.50000000 1.75000000 -0.12500000 1.62500000 0.71875000 4: 1.62500000 0.71875000 1.75000000 -0.12500000 1.68750000 0.30468750 5: 1.68750000 0.30468750 1.75000000 -0.12500000 1.71875000 0.09179688 6: 1.71875000 0.09179688 1.75000000 -0.12500000 1.73437500 -0.01611328 7: 1.71875000 0.09179688 1.73437500 -0.01611328 1.72656250 0.03796387 8: 1.72656250 0.03796387 1.73437500 -0.01611328 1.73046875 0.01095581 9: 1.73046875 0.01095581 1.73437500 -0.01611328 1.73242188 -0.00257111 10: 1.73046875 0.01095581 1.73242188 -0.00257111 1.73144531 0.00419426 11: 1.73144531 0.00419426 1.73242188 -0.00257111 1.73193359 0.00081205 12: 1.73193359 0.00081205 1.73242188 -0.00257111 1.73217773 -0.00087941 13: 1.73193359 0.00081205 1.73217773 -0.00087941 1.73205566 -0.00003365 14: 1.73193359 0.00081205 1.73205566 -0.00003365 1.73199463 0.00038921 15: 1.73199463 0.00038921 1.73205566 -0.00003365 1.73202515 0.00017778 16: 1.73202515 0.00017778 1.73205566 -0.00003365 1.73204041 0.00007207 17: 1.73204041 0.00007207 1.73205566 -0.00003365 1.73204803 0.00001921 18: 1.73204803 0.00001921 1.73205566 -0.00003365 1.73205185 -0.00000722 19: 1.73204803 0.00001921 1.73205185 -0.00000722 1.73204994 0.00000600 20: 1.73204994 0.00000600 1.73205185 -0.00000722 1.73205090 -0.00000061 21: 1.73204994 0.00000600 1.73205090 -0.00000061 1.73205042 0.00000269 22: 1.73205042 0.00000269 1.73205090 -0.00000061 1.73205066 0.00000104 23: 1.73205066 0.00000104 1.73205090 -0.00000061 1.73205078 0.00000022 24: 1.73205078 0.00000022 1.73205090 -0.00000061 1.73205084 -0.00000020 25: 1.73205078 0.00000022 1.73205084 -0.00000020 1.73205081 0.00000001 26: 1.73205081 0.00000001 1.73205084 -0.00000020 1.73205082 -0.00000009 27: 1.73205081 0.00000001 1.73205082 -0.00000009 1.73205081 -0.00000004 28: 1.73205081 0.00000001 1.73205081 -0.00000004 1.73205081 -0.00000002 29: 1.73205081 0.00000001 1.73205081 -0.00000002 1.73205081 -0.00000000 30: 1.73205081 0.00000001 1.73205081 -0.00000000 1.73205081 0.00000000 31: 1.73205081 0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 32: 1.73205081 0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 1.73205081 0.00000000 33: 1.73205081 0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 1.73205081 0.00000000 34: 1.73205081 0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 35: 1.73205081 0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 36: 1.73205081 0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 37: 1.73205081 0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 38: 1.73205081 0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 1.73205081 0.00000000 39: 1.73205081 0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 40: 1.73205081 0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 41: 1.73205081 0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 1.73205081 0.00000000 42: 1.73205081 0.00000000 1.73205081 -0.00000000 1.73205081 0.00000000 root = 1.7320508075688394 % error = 2.1793577112347061e-12 %
Newton's method
Newton's method requires also the derivative of the function. The derivative of this function is:
% Define a function handle for the derivative fprime = @(x)-4*x; x(1) = 2; % initial guess n = 1; while abs(f(x(n))) > epsilon && n < 50 n = n+1; x(n) = x(n-1) - f(x(n-1))/fprime(x(n-1)); end % display successive approximations from Newton's method for k = 1 : length(x) disp(['x(', num2str(k), ') = ', num2str(x(k), precision)]) end x_root = x(length(x)); disp(['root = ', num2str(x_root, precision)]) perc_error=abs(sqrt(3)-x_root)/sqrt(3)*100; disp(['% error = ' num2str(perc_error, precision) ' %'])
x(1) = 2 x(2) = 1.75 x(3) = 1.7321428571428572 x(4) = 1.7320508100147276 x(5) = 1.7320508075688772 root = 1.7320508075688772 % error = 0 %