Code Lab Registration and Purchasing
Computer Sciences 302, Lectures 3 and 6 (Spring 2005)

What is CodeLab?

CodeLab is an online program for learning and practicing computer programming. CodeLab is available to you anywhere you have access to the world wide web. It is delivered and supported by a company called Turing's Craft.

How to Start Using CodeLab

The first 10 exercises in CodeLab are free so you can start doing the CodeLab homework before paying. But first you must register to get a username and password and put yourself on your instructor's CodeLab roster.
  1. Go to this web site.
  2. Click REGISTER in the upper right hand corner of the page.
  3. Choose "Student: I am in a course that uses CodeLab."
  4. Enter this where it asks for the "Section Access Code":
    Lecture 3: WISCON-9093-1453
    Lecture 6: WISCON-1357-1455
  5. Follow the instructions until you get to the LOGIN screen.
Note: It is important that you enter your actual name during the registration so that I can give you credit for the work you do in CodeLab.

How to Purchase CodeLab

To submit answers to the exercises after the first 10 you must purchase CodeLab access. You can purchase it with a credit card, by sending Turing's Craft a check or through the campus bookstore.

Credit Card:
  1. Login to CodeLab
  2. Click the GET FULL ACCESS button.
  3. Click the PAY ON THE WEB button.
  4. Fill out the form and submit.
  5. Return to LAB portion of CodeLab and continue.
You can purchase using a Paypal account. To do this please first call 1-866-TURING1 (887-4641) between 10am-6pm EST, Monday through Friday.

CodeLab access codes may also be available for purchase at the campus bookstore. The price of CodeLab at the bookstore will usually be 20-30% more than buying directly from Turing's Craft.