READING Chapter 5 Section 5 - switch statement - implements a selection control flow - syntax: switch ( ) { : ... : } - case label syntax - one of: case - constant: either named or literal - no two cases can have the same constant value - cases can be listed in any order default - reserved word - case body - sequence of zero or more statements - not left and right braces - arithmetic expression - data type must be char, byte, short, int - value is compared against each constant value of the case labels - executes body if a match exists - if no matching case, continues after switch statement - break statement - skips the rest of the switch statement - without, all statements after the first match will be executed - not necessary in the last case - included in all cases by convention for consistency - individual cases don't have to include a statement - default case - always executed if there is no matching case - at most one - safer to always include - defensive programming - recommend always place last Quick Check 1. It has two separate cases that test the same constant 2. It doesn't use constants for the case tests.