CHAPTER 9 SECTION 5 "Comparing Strings" - compare using == - true if the variables point to the same object - compare using the equals method - true if the characters in each position are the same - refer to as the equivalence test - if true using ==, will always be true using the equivalence test, but not necessarily vice-versa - Strings are a special situation because the result will vary depending on how the String is created - if it is created using the new reserved word, the above reference case applies - if the String is created without using new, it will act as a primitive Quick Check 1. +------+ +----------+ +------+ | str1 |---->| :String |<----| str2 | +------+ | ------ | +------+ +----------+ | +------+ | | | Java | | | +------+ | +----------+ +------+ +------------+ | str3 |---->| :String | +------+ | ------ | +------------+ | +--------+ | | | Oolong | | | +--------+ | +------------+