We provide the software and instructions on how to do this on various platforms. Note that sofar our solutions enable you to view/print greek text (but not actually write Greek on all systems). We would appreciate your feedback and expert's opinion to dimitris@hyper.gr
1) Get the file arial.exe (165 KB) and execute it in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. It is a self-extracting LHA file that contains greek TrueType fonts.
2) Add the "Arial Greek" font to your Windows. Select [Main] -> [Control Panel]. In the [Control Panel] double-click the [Fonts] icon. Click [Add New Font] and select all four "Arial Greek" as the fonts you want to add.
3) In Netscape, from menu [Options] select [Preferences]. Then, from [Set Preferences On] choose [Fonts and Colors]. Finally, using the [Choose Font] buttons, select "Arial Greek" as your viewing font.
Alternatively, for an ELOT-928 compliant Mac font, get hellastimes.sit.hqx (70 KB) and once you've decompressed its contents, drop the font files in the System Folder. Select "HellasTimes" as the font to use in Netscape and "MacRoman" encoding (Options -> Preferences -> etc). (topalis@euclid.iacm.forth.gr)
A more "orthodox" way, using the DOS-supplied programs for handling different codepages, uses a CPI file. Get dosgreek.zip (12 KB) a ZIP file which contains GAUSS.CPI and GRKEYB.COM. To add the Greek Font GAUSS.CPI under DOS 6.xx or DOS 7.0/Win95. (mchris@hyper.gr)
1) Add the following lines to your CONFIG.SYS file: if you have DOS 7.0/Win95 DEVICE=C:\WIN95\COMMAND\DISPLAY.SYS CON=(EGA,,1) COUNTRY=xxx,737,C:\WIN95\COMMAND\COUNTRY.SYS if you have DOS 6.22 or earlier DEVICE=C:\DOS\DISPLAY.SYS CON=(EGA,,1) COUNTRY=xxx,737,C:\DOS\COUNTRY.SYS where xxx is your country code. 2) Add the following lines to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: if you have DOS 7.0/Win95 C:\WIN95\COMMAND\MODE CON CODEPAGE PREPARE=((437) C:\path\GAUSS.CPI) C:\WIN95\MODE CON CODEPAGE SELECT=437 if you have DOS 6.22 or earlier C:\DOS\MODE CON CODEPAGE PREPARE=((437) C:\path\GAUSS.CPI) C:\DOS\MODE CON CODEPAGE SELECT=437 where path is where is the GAUSS.CPI file. 3) Restart the computer. To Add Greek DOS Keyboard driver add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file: INSTALL=C:\path\GRKEYB.COM where "path" is where is the GRKEYB.COM file. The swap between the Greek and US Keyboard is with Ctrl-Alt-Space.
You can find an excellent description on installing Greek under X11 in [Greek and X11] (ngramm@hyper.gr). We also recommend that you read [Greek in WWW] by the Democritus University of Thrace. Consult the manual of your system for details.