David Muencheberg   Corky
A native of West Bend, Corky is a senior in Computer Science. He is currently a resident of the Blue House as well as a snare rank leader and Internet Liason for this website. His summer job entails buying cheap sunglasses in the nation's capital. "
Scott Tillema   Gumby
Gumby is a senior in school but does not plan to graduate soon. He is working on a triple major and aspires to one day be an assistant manager at a taco bell near you. Although he isn't living at The Blue House this year, he currently lives at a brown house down the street.
Neeraj Mehta   Dutch
From Glendale, home of the Sprecher Brewing Company!  Dutch is a music performance major, and his favorite composers are Gustav Mahler and Mike Lekrone.   You can't top Dutch's robot.
Allie Graft   Skeeter
Scott Krumsee   Finch
Jay Miesfeld   Spaz
Spaz, from Sheboygan, WI, is from the brat capital of the world. He is currently an aspiring doctor and always tries to stay on good terms with the drumline's residnet nurse. His current interest is orthopedics, with a specialty focus on clavicles. His diligence and hard work at the university have also led to his promotion as "Official Drumline Tutor." His motto during midterms is "If you got a 3, come talk to me." That's a 3% for those of us that aren't very good in math, RIBEYE!
Brian Williams   Deuce
Joe Scott   Kilroy
Rob Vandersteen   Shortline
Jonathan Wilson   Kid

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