File: Complete assembly flow Here is a description of what to do to get an ALLPATHS assembly from Solexa data. The program runs the whole assembly flow from start to end. Here is a description by parts: Run to take a and create from it an . The latter includes the reads, the read qualities, pairing information for paired reads. SolexaToAllpaths also does some initial . For simulated date, instead of the above, you would run with arguments that tell it to create simulated reads from the reference genome. Run to identify strong kmers. Then use that for error correction. Run to do error correction. Run to create and convert each corrected read to a . Run to remove suspicious reads. Run to find unipaths in kmer space. (Sanity check: run to gauge how well the unipaths turned out.) Then which for low-copy unipaths finds reads that are aligned perfectly to this low-copy unipath. Then maps unipaths back to the reference sequence (for simulated data only). Then, generate the unipath link graph. contains an estimate of the distance between low-copy unipaths. Then after this run .