General viewer notes: There are five frames. Upper-left shows list of contigs. Lower-left shows list of interesting events. Upper-right shows how trusted paths run along the selected contig. Lowest-right has two frames: the left one shows how trusted paths captured by the selected contig run along the reference ("local legend); the right one shows for each genome part how trusted paths from all contigs run along it, on both strands ("global legend"). Hyperlinks: Clicking on a trusted path name in the local legend or global legend frame shows the beginning of that trusted path; you may need to zoom in to see it. Troubleshooting the viewer: Increase the memory available to Java applets (configure your OS and/or browser). If you click on contig number on the left and the contig graph isn't displayed, wait a bit -- sometimes it takes a while. If that doesn't help, you can use the standalone ZGRViewer instead of the applet version (go to /wga/dev/ilya/zgrviewer and run to view the file in your showTrusted/ directory. The corresponding legend file (normally shown in the lower frame of the viewer) is . Sometimes the contig graph initially won't appear -- you have to move the mouse into the graph window, and possibly click there, to make it appear. Finding features/events in the assembly: Hidden labels are added to the graph at the location of various features. Use the search box on the right to find the next/previous feature. Note that the number of matches through which you're stepping is shown at the bottom-left of the graph viewer. Search for... to find... src - sources snk - sinks zp - edges through which no trusted paths pass (sorted from longest to shortest) mp - edges through which multiple trusted paths pass ( sorted from longest to shortest ) [A - beginning of trusted path A A] - end of trusted path A Also, there is a global list of events (mulpaths and nopaths) in the lower-left frame. You see the length of the edge with the event, the link to the contig page, and the hidden text label for which to search to find that edge. Tooltips: Hover over... to see... end of edge (the arrow) - edge length trusted path name on an edge - the alignment of that trusted path segment to the reference, and the length of the overall trusted path. If the trusted path passes over the edge multiple times, the range shown is the smallest range on the reference that contains the alignments to the reference of all segments of this trusted path that pass over this contig edge. General useful viewer commands: Moving around: left-click somewhere in the graph, and drag a line in any direction -- the view moves in that direction. the longer the line, the faster it moves. also, the arrow keys and the controls in the viewer upper-right corner work for moving. Zoom/unzoom: press shift & drag a bounding box to zoom in on a region press shift, press left mouse button and drag up to zoom in, down to zoom out. the further you drag from where you pressed the button, the faster it zooms in/out. also PgDn zooms, PgUp unzooms, and there are zoom/unzoom controls (magnifying glass with + and -) in the upper-right of the viewer. Showing alignment of pairs to the assembly ("bridges" between edges): ( see also paths/, paths/ and paths/ for alternate displays of the same information ). Above each edge to which some reads were aligned, there is a star ("*") symbol that is a "handle" for this edge. Toggle whether the edge is selected by clicking on the handle (it's green when selected). A line will be drawn between two handles if there are at least some pairs bridging the two handles' edges, and either both handles are selected, or one handle is selected and the "show bridges only if both ends selected" checkbox on the right is unchecked. Also, if you type a minimal bridge thickness (number of aligned pairs in a link between two edges) in the text field at the bottom-right, only bridges at least this thick will be shown. In the middle of each bridge there's an orange octagon -- its tooltip gives information about the bridge. The tooltip for the "*" symbol shows the edge id. The bridges and their thicknesses for contig N are in the file contigN.svg.xml in the showTrusted/ subdir. The pairs are currently taken from hyper.pair_aligns in the dir above showTrusted/ .