>ReleaseArachne-1-0 First tetst of arachne release mechanism. >ReleaseArachne-1-1 Added CROSS=yes to util/makeArachneRelease.pl >ReleaseArachne-1-2 This release requires SOLEXA_PIPELINE_DIR environment variable to be set and pointing out to the pipeline output directory. BaitDesigner tool for designing baits for hybrid selection is added. Internal control processing is updated/fixed and it is now run automatically in the pipeline; Extended flowcell IDs (12345ABCD) are now treated correctly for the purpose of retrieving DB metrics from the DB dump file and populating lane metric files. analyzeSolexaLane.pl script will now stop lane processing and exit if *.dbinfo file is not present. Minor bug fixes. >ReleaseArachne-1-3 Also added amino directory (missed due to cvs update without -d).