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(Vietnam War) Bomb Damage Inflicted on North Vietnam through Fighting in South Vietnam (capabilities of North Vietnam: manpower and mobilization potential, armed forces, military training and leadership, infiltration, lines of communication. Military situation in the South: Communist political and military strength and organization, logistical support, morale, losses, and strategy). Special National Intelligence Estimate, SNIE 14.3-67 and TS 186035. Nov. 13, 1967. 29 p., maps and tables. TOP SECRET/CONTROLLED DISSEM/LIMITED DISTRIBUTION. Declassified Dec. 1, 1975. Estimate. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Nov 13, 1967. Date Declassified: Dec 01, 1975. Sanitized. Incomplete. 29 page(s).

(Data as of 30 September 1967)
Accepted Monthly
           Confirmed Probable TOTAL   Possible     TOTALS
1966 Jan     4,200   1,800    6,000      3,000       9,000
     Feb     6,900   2,200    9,000      2,100      11,200
     Mar    11,700   1,400   13,000      3,600      16,700
     Apr       100     500      600        600       1,200
     May     1,300     500    1,800      3,600       5,400
     June   12,300     700   13,000      1,700      14,700
     July    4,000     700    4,700      4,100       8,800
     Aug     1,800     400    2,200      3,700       5,900
     Sept    1,400     700    2,100        600       2,700
     Oct       100     600      700      4,700       5,400
     Nov       500     100      600        700       1,200
     Dec       800     600    1,400      2,500       3,900
TOTAL 1966  45,100  10,200   55,300     30,800      86,100
1967 Jan     1,000     800    1,800      3,600       5,400
     Feb     1,700   2,000    3,700      1,300       5,000
     Mar     3,600     400    4,000      4,600       8,600
     Apr     3,700     600    4,300        300       4,600
     May     2,700   1,500    4,200      1,600       5,800
     June    3,300      --    3,300        300       3,600
     July       --     400      400         --         400
     Aug     1,100      --    1,100        700       1,800
     Sept       --      --       --         --          --

Infiltration includes only arrivals in South Vietnam. Statistics for 1967 are subject to
retroactive updating because of the continuing recept of new information. In particular, the
figures for the last 6 months or so are incomplete, and inadequate to determine trends. These
figures include the following categories:

ACCEPTED: Accepted Confirmed: A confirmed inflitration unti/group is one which is accepted
in South Vietnam on the basis of information provided by a minimum of two
POW's or returnes from the unti/group, or two captured documents from the
unit, or a combination of personel and documents.

Acdepted Probable: A probable information provided by one POW or returnee
from the unit/group, or a captured document, supported by information from
other sources which can be evaluated as probably true.

POSSIBLE: A possible infiltration unit/group is one which may be in South Vietnam on the
basis of information which can be evaluated as possibly true even though no
POW, returnce, or document is available to verify the reports.

TS 186035

(Vietnam War) Bomb Damage Inflicted on North Vietnam through Fighting in South Vietnam (capabilities of North Vietnam: manpower and mobilization potential, armed forces, military training and leadership, infiltration, lines of communication. Military situation in the South: Communist political and military strength and organization, logistical support, morale, losses, and strategy). Special National Intelligence Estimate, SNIE 14.3-67 and TS 186035. Nov. 13, 1967. 29 p., maps and tables. TOP SECRET/CONTROLLED DISSEM/LIMITED DISTRIBUTION. Declassified Dec. 1, 1975. Estimate. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Nov 13, 1967. Date Declassified: Dec 01, 1975. Sanitized. Incomplete. 29 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100359389

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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