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Capabilities of the Vietnamese Communists for fighting in South Vietnam. Miscellaneous. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Oct 21, 1967. Date Declassified: May 29, 1985. Unsanitized. Complete. 54 page(s).

it now appears that total infiltration for 1967 will be no more
than last year's and possibly somewhat less. We estimate that
some 65 to 75 percent of the infiltration will probably consist
of replacement personnel for existing units. The remainder will
probably include seven to nine organized regiments which will
add to the Communist force structure but not necessarily their
total military strength, because losses have resulted in generally
lower unit strengths. There still appears to be no clear-cut seasonal
pattern in infiltration or any significant indication that Hanoi
is unwilling to dispatch additional men and units to South Vietnam.


Capabilities of the Vietnamese Communists for fighting in South Vietnam. Miscellaneous. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Oct 21, 1967. Date Declassified: May 29, 1985. Unsanitized. Complete. 54 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100205695

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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