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Special National Intelligence Estimate (SNIE) no. 10-1-67 entitled: "Reactions to a Certain U.S. Course of Action." This document assesses probable Communist and Free World reactions to the establishment of an anti-infiltration system designed to impede t"Reactions to a Certain US Course of Action". Report. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jul 13, 1967. Date Declassified: Apr 06, 2005. Complete. 17 page(s).



cost of using the Laotian corridor increased, they would not view it as a total
solution to their problem, and would have to see additional alternatives.

25. Cambodia. Cambodia has been primarily a source of food, providing the
bulk of the Communists external rice requirement, as well as some other items,
such as medical supplies and radios. There is still no firm evidence that any
substantial quantity of weapons or ammunition is being obtained by the Communists
from or through Cambodia.

26. The capacity of Cambodian ports, roads, and waterways is far in excess
of any likely Communist needs in South Vietnam. But the overt use of these
facilities to ship arms and ammunition to the Communists in South Vietnam
would clearly involve Cambodia in the war, something Sihanouk desperately
wants to avoid. Nevertheless, given some time to make the necessary arrangement
through additional use of commercial channels and clandestine means,
the Communists could probably procure enough ammunition and weapons from
or through Cambodia to make it an important alternate route.

27. Sources in South Vietnam. Communist forces operating in South Vietnam
can obtain much of their logistical support locally, with the critical exception
of arms and ammunition. For example, some 9 tons of their total daily requirement
of 10 tons of ammunition is supplied from outside South Vietnam, most of it
by truck through Laos. Although the VC might expand their modest production
capability somewhat, it would be virtually impossible for them to develop the
ability to produce the arms and ammunition needed by the Communist forces in
South Vietnam.


TS 0039350


Special National Intelligence Estimate (SNIE) no. 10-1-67 entitled: "Reactions to a Certain U.S. Course of Action." This document assesses probable Communist and Free World reactions to the establishment of an anti-infiltration system designed to impede t"Reactions to a Certain US Course of Action". Report. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jul 13, 1967. Date Declassified: Apr 06, 2005. Complete. 17 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100574300

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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