Special National Intelligence Estimate (SNIE) no. 10-1-67 entitled: "Reactions to a Certain U.S. Course of Action." This document assesses probable Communist and Free World reactions to the establishment of an anti-infiltration system designed to impede t"Reactions to a Certain US Course of Action". Report. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jul 13, 1967. Date Declassified: Apr 06, 2005. Complete. 17 page(s).
C. Should their countermeasures be ineffective or too costly, the Communists would be forced to attempt to extend their operations further west into Laos or resort to alternative routes. All of these measures would impose additional burdens on the Communists, but on balance, the US move in itself would probably not cause Hanoi to change its political and military strategy toward the conduct of the war in South Vietnam.
D. The intensity and nature of the Communist political response would depend on the effectiveness of the system and the publicity which accompanied its emplacement. Aside from propaganda charging the US with widening the war in Laos, the main Communist effort would be directed at the Laotian Government. The Communists would probably exert pressures on Souvanna to prevent any further US activities in Laos. It is unlikely that the Soviets would denounce the Geneva Agreements, demand on-site inspection, or withdraw as co-Chairman.
E. US relations with non-Communist countries, with the possible exception of Laos, are unlikely to be changed by the emplacement of the system. Some countries would see it as escalation, others as a defensive move. The hope would be expressed that the bombing of North Vietnam would no longer be necessary, and that a process of deescalation, even negotiations, might begin. Souvanna, despite concern that Laos not become actively engaged in the war, would probably not oppose the installation of the system.
TS 0039350
Special National Intelligence Estimate (SNIE) no. 10-1-67 entitled: "Reactions to a Certain U.S. Course of Action." This document assesses probable Communist and Free World reactions to the establishment of an anti-infiltration system designed to impede t"Reactions to a Certain US Course of Action". Report. Central Intelligence Agency. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jul 13, 1967. Date Declassified: Apr 06, 2005. Complete. 17 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.
Document Number: CK3100574291
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