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Evaluation of alternative programs for bombing North Vietnam. Miscellaneous. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jun 1, 1967. Date Declassified: Jun 05, 1985. Unsanitized. Complete. 18 page(s).

allow some limited operations by the North Vietnamese from
bases in China, but under the tightest Chinese control so
as to minimize the risks of US retaliation.
28. Regardless of whether the North Vietnamese sought
a sanctuary of some kind in China, there would be a continuing
danger of air incidents near the Chinese border or over
Chinese territory. On several occasions in recent weeks
the Chinese have responded more vigorously to US air intrusion
and to US strike aircraft flying over North Vietnam near the
border. This seems likely to continue, as the nature of
US air operations involves a chance of extending over Chinese
territory. As for the USSR, we would not exclude the surfacing
at some point of some Soviet military personnel in a "volunteer"
role. In any case, increased Soviet and Chinese support would
probably have the effect of reinforcing Hanoi's determination
to persevere in its policies despite greater pressures on
supply lines to China.
29. Variant b. The most important additional effect of
this variant would be the direct challenge it posed to the
USSR. The Soviets might consider countering the interdiction
by military actions in the area, or bringing pressures on the
US or its allies in other areas (may Berlin). But these two
courses seem too hazardous or unpromising. It is much more


Evaluation of alternative programs for bombing North Vietnam. Miscellaneous. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Jun 1, 1967. Date Declassified: Jun 05, 1985. Unsanitized. Complete. 18 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100205678

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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