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CIA reports on Communist China's Army and Provincial Party politics. Report. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Apr 25, 1967. Date Declassified: Apr 16, 1979. Sanitized. Complete. 68 page(s).

which criticized a "very small handful" of such people
in the "revolutionary ranks" who refused to cooperate
with the old-line party leaders retained in the new
revolutionary committee which had been formed for the
province on 31 January. The broadcast stated flatly
that these dissidents were "counterrevolutionaries."
44. the
party central committee issued a notice on 12 February
reprimanding part organizations for firing party members
simply to "satisfy the demands of the revolutionary
masses." The notice specified that party
leaders could be punished only by the party itself
and stated that this information should be posted in
all government and military organizations in cities
and rural areas. Japanese correspondents reported
that they had in fact seen such instructions posted
in Peking on 15 February.
45. Provincial broadcasts soon began to reflect
this new approach to the party machine at the local
level. On 15 February the radio in Tsingtao, a port
city in Shantung Province seized by Maoist "rebels"
on 29 January, lashed out at those who had charged that
"all leading cadres are guilty of suppressing the
revolution." The same day the Harbin station in
Heilungkiang demanded that leading cadres "must be
given an opportunity to repent" and enumerated
broad categories of cadres who were redeemable.
New Impetus to "Tripartite Alliances"
46. Editorials in People's Daily on 17 February
and in Liberation Army Journal on the 18th underscored
earlier announcements praising the policy of forming
a "tripartite alliance" among old-line party officials,
the army, and "revolutionary" organizations and
claimed that this had already been achieved in four
provinces and two municipalities. This concept apparently
supplanted the notion of establishing new
revolutionary "communes" as governing bodies. Until
early February an organization supposedly based on
the Paris Commune of 1871 was being touted as a model
and the formation of "communes" was announced with
great fanfare in a number of cities. On 19 February,
however, the party central committee ordered that
no city or province would use the name "commune" in
its title and that those which had established them

No Foreign ??
No Foreign ??
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library

CIA reports on Communist China's Army and Provincial Party politics. Report. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Apr 25, 1967. Date Declassified: Apr 16, 1979. Sanitized. Complete. 68 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100168872

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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