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CIA reports on Communist China's Army and Provincial Party politics. Report. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Apr 25, 1967. Date Declassified: Apr 16, 1979. Sanitized. Complete. 68 page(s).

situation in Peking and other because they had
reservations about the course of the Cultural Revolution.
The military swung solidly into line in
late january and early February, however, at a time
when the Cultural Revolution was being moderated.
A firm causal connection cannot be established on
the basis of the evidence available, but the sequence
of events suggests that the views of military
leaders were probably a factor--perhaps a major
one-in Peking's decision to put a damper on "rebel"
It seems likely that the military establishment
is an essentially conservative political organism,
and as such would opt for stability and unity. There
is no way of knowing whether a significant number
of commanders would have defied Peking if the Cultural
Revolution had not been moderated toward the
end of January. Doubts on this score almost certainly
existed at the center, however, and would
have provided powerful support for arguments in favor
of a change in tactics.
When it appeared that the restoration of order
had been given priority by Peking and moves were
made or reassure the military concerning the conduct
of the Cultural Revolution within the armed forces,
the army moved into action decisively. This is a
reflection of the extent to which China has become
a modern state, with an army motivated by nationalistic
Despite indications that some military leaders
were uncertain about whom to support in Peking, and
that a few may for a time have backed efforts by
regional political authorities to maintain their
positions, there has been no evidence of wavering
loyalty to the state within the officer corps at
large or among the rank and file, or of any widespread
disposition to support a movement toward
Once the military took an active role, resistance
in the provinces collapsed and there were
indications in February that the brakes had been
applied to the Cultural Revolution. In early March,

No Foreign ??
No Foreign ??
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library

CIA reports on Communist China's Army and Provincial Party politics. Report. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. TOP SECRET. Issue Date: Apr 25, 1967. Date Declassified: Apr 16, 1979. Sanitized. Complete. 68 page(s). Reproduced in Declassified Documents Reference System. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008.

Document Number: CK3100168857

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Best copy possible from original. Illegible text has been omitted. Page numbers correlate to pages displayed, not original pagination.

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